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With spring here, I'm once again interested in spring cleaning our bodies and, this year, I'm focusing on the liver and kidneys in particular.

I'm sure you're aware that the liver and kidneys play major roles as parts of our digestive system, including detoxification and removal of waste products. For more detail, please see our newsletter of April 2018.

There are a number of general steps you can take to keep your liver and kidneys healthy, as well as specific foods and supplements that can help keep them healthy.

  • Maintain a normal weight. If you are concerned about losing weight, please contact our office at 613.829.0427 for a consultation; we offer a very effective weight loss program.

  • Exercise: Physical activity almost every day, such as brisk walking or something equivalent, is recommended.

  • Drinking plenty of water is essential, particularly for healthy kidneys.

  • Don't smoke.

  • Limit alcohol intake.

  • Get enough good-quality sleep.

Eat a healthy diet for your liver and kidneys.


The first step is to remove toxic foods from your diet, including processed foods. Avoid hydrogenated oils (trans fats), refined sugar, other refined carbohydrates, convenience foods and processed meats.

Foods that naturally cleanse your liver:

  • Green tea is generally considered to be good for our health, and it may benefit the liver. A Japanese study found that drinking 5 to 10 cups of green tea a day was associated with improved blood markers of liver health.

  • Cruciferous vegetables including cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale are a major source of glutathione which triggers toxin cleansing enzymes of the liver. Juicing may help you more easily consume enough of these vegetables (4-5 servings per day) to give your liver the full benefits. These vegetables help reduce acid levels in the body, and the high fibre content helps flush out toxins. Other vegetables and spices can be added to improve the flavour of the juice.

  • Eat plenty of potassium-rich foods to help lower systolic blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and support cardiovascular health, in addition to helping cleanse your liver. Potassium-rich foods include sweet potatoes, tomato sauces, beet greens and spinach, beans (e.g. white beans, kidney beans and lima beans), and bananas.

  • The spice turmeric (curcumin is the active ingredient) helps flush out toxins and contains antioxidants that repair liver cells. It also boosts bile production.

  • Citrus fruits, in addition to providing vitamin C, aid the liver's synthesizing of toxic materials into water-soluble substances that can then be removed from the body. Grapefruit antioxidants are particularly effective in protecting the liver by reducing inflammation.

  • Beets can break down toxic wastes so they can excrete more quickly.

  • Garlic contains sulphur which activates liver enzymes that help flush out toxins. Garlic also contains selenium which helps boost the natural antioxidant enzyme levels in the liver.


Again, the first step is to avoid foods that are not kidney-friendly, the best-known example is salt because it can increase blood pressure and can aggravate chronic kidney disease (CKD). Note that many processed foods, convenience foods, cured foods and salted snacks contain high levels of sodium and should be limited or avoided.

While potassium is good for the liver, too much potassium can be detrimental to the kidneys for people who have existing kidney disease. If you would like to discuss balancing the health of the liver and kidneys with respect to potassium consumption, please contact our office at 613.829.0427 for a consultation. People with CKD also need to limit their protein and phosphorus intake.

  • High-antioxidant fruit, namely cranberries, black cherries and blueberries, are highly recommended. Cranberries or cranberry juice help prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTI). Celery juice is also recommended for a kidney cleanse. Black cherries and blueberries contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that is very effective to treat gout and eliminate uric acid.

  • Beets support kidney and adrenal health and are high in NO (nitric oxide) which is vital for good kidney function.

  • Spirulina and chlorella have been known to cleanse the body (including kidneys) of heavy metals.

  • Lemon juice (freshly squeezed) in water first thing in the morning helps with digestion and detoxification, as well as helping to prevent kidney stones.

  • Spinach is high in B vitamins and certain antioxidants that help cleanse the entire body, especially the kidneys.

If you are interested in going deeper, and doing a cleanse that focuses on your liver and kidneys, please call 613.829.0427 to arrange a consultation. We have a very safe and effective program for this, and I would be glad to help you.

Featured Nature's Sunshine product: Tiao He Pak


How It Works: Tiao He Pak is designed to support the cleansing mechanisms of the body by targeting the digestive system and large intestine. Traditional cleansing herbs help rid the body of impurities and accumulated buildup through the intestinal system. It's important that the bowels are moving well during a detox (which explains the inclusion of LBS II). Cleansing is an important first step on the road back to health and a well-established concept in the tradition of herbal medicine. Completing a comprehensive herbal cleanse, according to traditional herbal medicine, leaves one feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. Tiao He is a Chinese phrase denoting the restoration of harmony and balance.

The Tiao He Cleanse is a 10-day program that gently cleanses the liver. The Body Detox cleanses all of the elimination systems. LIV-C cleanses the liver; Red Clover cleanses the blood. The rest work on the intestinal system to stimulate elimination (Psyllium Hulls, LBS II, and Black Walnut Hulls). All these herbs are found in the Tiao He Pak, and it's such an easy cleanse.


There are a number of supplements to help you maximize your liver and kidney health. You can find information about these products and purchase them in our online store:

  • Cranberry & Buchu Concentrate

  • Dandelion

  • Detox Basics

  • K

  • LIV-GD

  • LIV-J

  • Milk Thistle

  • Parsley

  • Potas

  • Tiao He Pak

  • Turmeric Curcumin


  1. Spring liver and kidney cleanse. Newsletter, April 2018, Volume 10 Issue 1. Accessed March 23, 2021.

  2. Axe J. Detox your liver: try my 6-step liver cleanse. December 8, 2020. Accessed March 21, 2021.

  3. The 8 super-foods that naturally cleanse your liver. November 5, 2019. Accessed March 23, 2021.

  4. Hills J. Renal diet: proven foods for healthy kidneys & foods you must avoid (science-based). Accessed March 23, 2021.

  5. Axe J. How to do a kidney cleanse to boost energy and heal your adrenals. August 1, 2018. Accessed March 8, 2021.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and recommendations in this newsletter are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic. The information is accurate and up to date to our knowledge, but we are not responsible for any errors in our sources of information.