
I hope you're enjoying spring - in some areas, it has seemed to be a long time coming!  As we "come out of hibernation," many of us may be interested in fine-tuning our health. There are still people who debate the need for nutritional supplements, but there are many reasons that we may require supplements in addition to a healthy diet.  Here are 22 of them.

   22 Great Reasons You May Need Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
  1. You may have poor digestion - Even when your food intake is good, inefficient digestion can limit your body's uptake of vitamins.
  2. Alcohol affects the availability, absorption and metabolism of nutrients.
  3. Smoking tobacco increases the metabolic requirements of vitamin C.  Vitamin C is important for the immune system to function properly. It also reduces blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), an  inflammatory marker linked with cardiovascular disease; high levels of CRP have been linked to smoking and also exposure to second hand smoke.  Slow-release vitamin C (500 mg/day) has also been shown to reduce the DNA damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke that can lead to cancer.  Note: Your best option is still not to smoke!
  4. Overuse of laxatives can result in poor absorption of vitamins and minerals from food, by hastening the intestinal transit time.
  5. Vegetarian diets, which exclude meat and other animal sources, must be very skillfully planned to avoid B12 deficiency, which may lead to anemia.
  6. Overcooking - Lengthy cooking or reheating of meat and vegetables can oxidize and destroy heat susceptible vitamins such as the B-group, C and E.
  7. Convenience foods - A diet overly dependent on highly refined carbohydrates, such as sugar, white flour and white rice, places greater demand on additional sources of B-group vitamins to process these carbohydrates.
  8. Antibiotics - Some antibiotics, although valuable in fighting infection, also kill off friendly bacteria in the stomach (and intestines), which would normally be producing B-group vitamins to be absorbed through the intestinal walls.
  9. Food allergies - The omission of whole food groups from the diet, as in the case of individuals allergic to gluten or lactose, can mean the loss of significant dietary sources of nutrients, such as thiamine, riboflavin or calcium.
  10. Crop nutrient losses - Agricultural soils are becoming increasingly deficient in trace elements.  Decades of intensive agriculture can overwork and deplete soils unless all the soil nutrients, including trace elements, are regularly replaced.
  11. Surgery increases the body's need for zinc, vitamin E and other nutrients involved in the cellular repair mechanism.
  12. Stress - Chemical, physical and emotional stresses can increase the body's requirements for vitamins B2, B5, B6 and C.  Air pollution increases the requirements for vitamin E.
  13. Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) - Research has demonstrated that up to 60 percent of women suffering from PMS can benefit from supplementation with vitamin B6.
  14. Teenagers - Rapid growth spurts, such as in the teen years, place high demands on nutritional resources to underwrite the accelerated physical, biochemical and emotional development in this age group.
  15. Pregnant women - Pregnancy creates higher than average demands for nutrient, to ensure healthy growth of the baby and a comfortable pregnancy for the mother.  Nutrients which typically need to be increased during pregnancy are the B-group (especially folic acid), A, D, E and the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorous.
  16. Oral contraceptives can decrease absorption of folic acid and increase the need for vitamin B6 and possibly vitamin C, zinc and riboflavin.
  17. Light eaters - Some people eat very sparingly, even without weight reduction goals.  U.S. dietary surveys have shown that an average woman maintains her weight on 7,560 kilojoules per day (1,809 calories), at which level her diet is likely to be low in thiamine, calcium and iron.
  18. Older people have been shown to have a low intake of vitamins and minerals, particularly iron, calcium and zinc.
  19. Poor eyesight - Vitamin A (retinol) helps your eyes adjust to light changes when you come in from outside, and prevents night blindness.  It also helps keep your eyes, skin and mucous membranes moist.  Vitamin A, in combination with other antioxidant vitamins, has also been shown to reduce the risk of macular degeneration.
  20. Lack of sunlight - Invalids, shift workers and people whose exposure to sunlight may be minimal can suffer from insufficient amounts of vitamin D, which is required for calcium metabolism without which rickets and osteoporosis can occur.  Vitamin D also provides protection against cardiovascular disease.  Low levels of vitamin D have recently been linked to a greater risk of dementia including Alzheimer's disease.
  21. Low body reserves - Although the body is able to store reserves of certain vitamins, such as A and E, Canadian autopsy data has shown that up to 30 percent of the population have reserves of vitamin A so low as to be considered "at risk".  Vitamin A is important to healthy skin and mucous membranes, as well as eyesight.
  22. Athletes consume large amounts of food and experience considerable stress.  These factors affect their needs for B-group vitamins, vitamin C and iron in particular.

Nature's Sunshine offers high-quality (see the March 2015 newsletter) vitamin and mineral supplements as follows:

Super Vitamins and Minerals - A balanced formula of essential vitamins and minerals, including important trace minerals. Although trace minerals hardly make up a teaspoonful in the body, they serve as catalysts for countless life-sustaining cellular processes. /store/#!/Super-Vitamins-&-Minerals-120-tablets/p/6402719

Stress Formula - A vitamin B-complex formula in a base of calming herbs to nutritionally support the nervous system when under stress. /store/#!/Stress-Formula-100-tablets/p/6402647/category=5963008

Stress Pak is a 30-day program to provide the right nutrients which are depleted during times of physical and/or emotional stress.

  • Nutri-Calm provides generous amounts of vitamin C, and the B vitamins that are essential to proper nervous system function. Also contains calming herbs and adaptogens.
  • Stress-J (STR-J) provides nutrients required for proper functioning of the nervous system. It is a sedative and tranquilizing formula used to relieve the effects of everyday stresses.  (Also sold individually - /store/#!/STR-J/p/6402648/category=0.)
  • Nerve Eight is an herbal combination designed to support the nervous and structural systems.
  • AdaptaMax is an exclusive combination that provides powerful adaptogens to help the body buffer the effects of stress and adapt to stressful situations.


GreenZone's chlorophyll, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals are recommended for everyone. Each capsule of GreenZone consists of green foods like sea algae and long-grown cereal grasses. Full of nutrient-rich goodness, green foods are the most healthful foods nature has to offer. Green foods not only help us sustain energy but boost the immune system, strengthen connective tissues and provide the body with the benefits of cleansing and detoxification. GreenZone contains the finest blend of whole foods, algae, and herbs balanced for the best utilization by our bodies. The 40-30-30 principle (% of carbohydrates, protein, and essential fat) has been incorporated into the formulation of this product. /store/#!/GreenZone-100-capsules/p/6402718

GreenZone Powder - See GreenZone capsules above. You can order this directly from our office.

Vitamin D3 is vital to the health of your skeletal  and immune systems. The body manufactures this essential vitamin through sun exposure, making it difficult to obtain adequate amounts of vitamin D during the cloudy winter months or when sunscreen is used.  /store/#!/Vitamin-D3-1000IU-180-tablets/p/6402671/category=0

Vitamin C, 500 mg - A tablet containing 500 mg of vitamin C in a base of bioflavonoids for enhanced protector capabilities with specific benefits for circulatory system. /store/#!/Vitamin-C-500mg-180-tablets/p/6402670/category=0

Vitamin C Timed Release, 1000 mg - You can obtain this directly from our office.

Super Omega 3 - Omega-3 fatty acids are one of four basic fats that the body derives from foods. (The other three are cholesterol, saturated fat, and monounsaturated fat). Omega-3s are good for the body and especially good for the heart and brain.  /store/#!/Super-Omega-3-Capsules-60/p/23616372/category=1546925

Sunshine Heroes Multiple Vitamin & Minerals - Nature's Sunshine Heroes products have been designed especially for children. For optimal health, children need a balanced and healthy diet that provides essential nutrients to support physical and cognitive development.  /store/#!/Sunshine-Heroes-Multiple-Vitamin-&-Minerals-90-Soft-Chews/p/6402735/category=1546928

Calcium-Magnesium Plus D - /store/#!/Cal-Mag-Plus-D-200-tablets/p/6402699/category=1546924

MC is one of the most exciting synergistic supplements on the market today. This combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, lipotropic factors, and its specially formulated base is designed to strengthen the arteries, veins and capillaries, and to rid the circulatory system of debris.  /store/#!/MC-180-tablets/p/6402626/category=1546918

Vitamin B Complex - These vitamins are particularly important for the nervous system. They are also vital for good digestive function and enzyme reactions that control energy, circulation, hormones and overall health.  You can obtain this directly from our office.

Vitamin E with Selenium - You can obtain this directly from our office.

Vitamin B6 - You can obtain this directly from our office.

Vitamins A & D - You can obtain this directly from our office.

For additional information, please email ramila@ramilas.com; or call Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic at 613.829.0427 for an appointment.  Please continue letting friends and family know about this newsletter.  Also on our website, please see back issues of this newsletter, additional information about products, order products, and see information about our Clinic.

  1. Goepp J. Newly discovered health benefits of vitamin C. http://www.lef.org/magazine/2008/4/Newly-Discovered-Benefits-Of-Vitamin-C/Page-01  Accessed April 14, 2015.
  2. Vitamin A. https://www.lifeclinic.com/focus/nutrition/vitamin-a.asp  Accessed April14, 2015
  3. Heiting G. Vitamin A and beta carotene: eye benefits. http://www.allaboutvision.com/nutrition/vitamin_a.htm  Accessed April 15, 2015.
  4. Low vitamin D levels linked to greater risk of dementia. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 2014;32(9):1,3.
The suggestions and recommendations in this newsletter are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic. The information is accurate and up to date to our knowledge, but we are not responsible for any errors in our sources of information.

These newsletters will help you make better choices for better health. The choices that you make today can either have a positive or negative impact on your overall health. Begin by choosing better. It is a step toward longevity.


Ramila Padiachy
Ramila's Healing Arts Clinic