Ramila's Health Tips

Volume 11, Issue 10

January 2020


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Happy New Year! I hope you had a happy, healthy holiday season. Welcome to a brand new decade! This month, I'd like to provide you with some information on EMF (electromagnetic fields) radiation. You may hear claims that it's perfectly safe, and also claims that it poses some very real dangers. Which is true? Read on below...

These newsletters will help you make better choices for better health. The choices that you make today can either have a positive or negative impact on your overall health. Begin by choosing better as it is a step towards longevity.

Ramila Padiachy DNM

Doctor of Natural Medicine


About EMF Radiation

This is a huge topic, and I can't really do it justice in a short newsletter, but will try to give you a brief overview. For more detail, I would highly recommend a book by Nicolas Pineault, The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology. It's both entertaining and very informative, a difficult combination with this sort of topic.

What is EMF radiation? An electromagnetic field is "a physical field produced by electrically charged objects." There are two types of radiation - low to mid-frequency, or non-ionizing radiation, and high frequency, or ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is used in the case of medical imaging machines, such as X-rays, and in the treatment of cancer.  

Sources of EMFs

The earth and sun produce natural EMFs, but most of our exposure to EMFs today is from manmade electronics. Lower frequency EMFs have lower energy and longer wavelengths than higher frequency EMFs (or ionizing radiation). We will focus here on manmade sources of low level radiation. Common sources of low level EMFs include:

  • cell phones 
  • tablets 
  • computers 
  • cordless phones
  • Wi-Fi routers
  • Bluetooth devices 
  • TVs
  •  radios 
  • smart meters 
  • microwave ovens
  • power lines
  • MRIs

Should we be worried about EMF exposure?

Are low frequency EMFs harmful? The answer depends on who you ask. Tech companies claim that Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc. are safe. Many government agencies consider them safe as well. However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the World Health Organization, classifies low frequency EMFs as a "possible human carcinogen" (cause of cancer in humans) based on observational data and animal research that link EMF radiation to tumours.

There is evidence that exposure to low level EMFs may

  • increase the risk of some cancers 
  • result in neuropsychiatric effects, such as cognitive impairment, brain inflammation, headaches, difficulty concentrating, depressive mood, and irritability
  • be associated with thyroid issues
  • be associated with fertility problems
  • disrupt sleep, result in fatigue
  • be associated with autism
  • be associated with cardiac effects such as atrial fibrillation, arrhythmias
  • be a source of electro-hypersensitivity, which can produce a broad range of symptoms

Children are more affected by EMFs than adults because they absorb twice the amount of EMF radiation compared to adults, pound for pound. EMF exposure in children has been linked with autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, childhood cancers, insomnia, impaired growth, and poor memory and learning.

Without looking at the risks in more detail, I think it is safe to say that we should be concerned about our exposure to low level EMFs.

How can we reduce our exposure to EMFs?

Since exposure to EMFs is not going to go away, it makes more sense to focus on how we can reduce our exposure than to worry excessively about the possible and probably detrimental effects of EMF exposure.

Increase your distance from the source of EMFs. EMF exposure intensity decreases as you increase your distance from the object that's sending out waves.

  • Use your cell phone (and cordless phone) on speaker phone or use a wired headset. Do not put the phone next to your ear. Bluetooth headsets emit the same kind of EMF as cell phones; they do not solve the problem.
  • Do NOT carry your cell phone anywhere on your body - not in any pocket, or tucked into your bra.
  • Do not use your laptop directly on your lap. Keeping your laptop at least 1 foot from your body will cut down the radiation you're exposed to by a good 80%. Put the laptop on a table or desk.
  • Keep at least 10 feet between your body and your router.  
  • Another source of EMF is your smart meter installed by your electric company. If you choose to keep it rather than return to the old fashioned type, then do what you can to increase your distance from it.

Turn off EMF-producing devices when possible.

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi router at night. This is easy if you put it on a 24 hour timer.
  • At night, turn off your cell phone or put it on airplane mode.
  • Keep your cell phone on airplane mode any time you're not using it.
  • Rethink your "smart" home. The more devices that are connected to your Wi-Fi or cellular network, the more EMF exposure your family is going to have. You can do without the "smart home" devices that can lock the door or start the oven.  

If you can, disable the "LTE" and "4G" networks.

  • Try this. It will connect you to the nearest "3G" network, which will greatly reduce the amount of radiation. If you have a strong signal, it may work. If not, the sound quality may suffer to the point that you have difficulty understanding the caller. In that case, it really doesn't make sense.

If you can, avoid using your cell phone when the reception is bad.

  • If there is only 1 signal bar out of 5, your phone will emit 10 to 1,000 times the amount of radiation in its efforts to connect with distant cell phone towers.

To reduce children's EMF exposure:

  • Download movies and games, then put the phone on airplane mode when the movies are played or the games are in use.
  • Teach children to always use speaker phone or a wired headset.
  • Educate teens about how smart phones can mess up their sleep, and increase their risk of depression.
  • Restrict your teenager's data and phone plan, and have them pay for any extra data they want. Teach them the importance of using a wired headset or speaker phone,and to use airplane mode when carrying the phone around.

What about 5G?

What is 5G? 5G, or 5th generation mobile networks or wireless systems, is considered the next phase in mobile technology. Whereas 4G uses only low-band frequencies, 5G will also use mid- and high-band frequencies. The high-band frequencies largely consist of millimeter waves (MMWs). MMWs can transmit large amounts of data, but only over short distances. This means increased speed, but far more frequent cell antennas. However, the signals are blocked by buildings, and foliage can absorb much of their energy. This means an even greater number of 5G antennas, and the risk that trees will be cut down to enable transmission of 5G signals.

With the introduction of the 5G infrastructure, much of the population will be exposed to MMWs for the first time on a continuous basis, although the exposure will generally be to low-intensity MMWs. So far, only a few studies have examined prolonged exposure to low-intensity MMWs, and there has been virtually no study of this combined with exposure to other radiofrequency radiation. Therefore it is not yet possible to come to any specific conclusions about the safety of 5G; however, there is growing concern. This is a topic to keep in mind as 5G is introduced in the near future.


There are a number of supplements that would help you to maximize your health. You can find information about these products and purchase them in our online store:

  • Green Tea Extract
  • Olive Leaf Extract
  • Rosehips
  • Super Omega 3
  • Turmeric Curcumin
  • Ultimate GreenZone
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E with Selenium
  • Zambroza


  1. Pineault N. The non-tinfoil guide to EMFs: How to fix our stupid use of technology. N&G Média; 2017.
  2. Kresser C. Do you need to protect yourself against EMF dangers?  April 26, 2019. https://chriskresser.com/do-you-need-to-protect-yourself-against-emf-dangers/  Accessed December 4, 2019.
  3. Should you be worried about EMF exposure? https://www.healthline.com/health/emf#takeaway Accessed December 4,2019.
  4. Mercola J. The harmful effects of electromagnetic fields explained. September 3, 2017. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/09/03/electromagnetic-fields-harmful-effects.aspx  Accessed November 28, 2019.
  5. 5G wireless technology: millimeter wave health effects. February 22, 2019. https://www.saferemr.com/2017/08/5g-wireless-technology-millimeter-wave.html  Accessed December 29, 2019.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and recommendations in this newsletter are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic. The information is accurate and up to date to our knowledge, but we are not responsible for any errors in our sources of information.

For additional information, please email info@ramilas.com or call Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic at 613.829.0427 for an appointment. Please continue letting friends and family know about this newsletter. Also, on our website, please see back issues of this newsletter, information about services, products and our clinic, and order products.

The Belly of the Beast



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