Ramila's Health Tips

Volume 10, Issue 10

January 2019

Setting Goals

Happy New Year! I hope you had a really enjoyable, safe, healthy holiday. The New Year is already underway, but I thought it would still be helpful to discuss approaches to setting goals for 2019.  Read on below...

These newsletters will help you make better choices for better health. The choices that you make today can either have a positive or negative impact on your overall health. Begin by choosing better as it is a step towards longevity.

Ramila Padiachy

Doctor of Natural Medicine (DNM)®


Goal setting strategies

New Year's resolutions get a certain amount of bad press these days, complete with statistics on how few people ever keep their resolutions. This has led to advice to set goals rather than make resolutions. Here are a few tips on goal setting from a few well-known - and successful - goal setters:

Richard Branson, billionaire and founder of the Virgin Group advises writing your goals down. He claims the simple act of writing them down will help you stick to them. He says he has always made lists of things he wants to achieve because it helps him make sense of his ideas and track his progress. It doesn't matter if you use pen and paper or your cell phone to jot down your ideas. Branson also says it's a good idea to set both short-term and long-term goals so you can feel a sense of accomplishment along the way.

According to Tony Robbins, business and life coach, those who stick to their resolutions have clarity of purpose and a plan. Your WHY is extremely important - those who stick to their resolutions have an understanding of why they're doing what they're doing. There has to be a larger motivating drive underpinning the goal. Once you understand what that is, the next step is to create a strategy and identify tools that will help you accomplish your goal. Simply put, you need a plan. Robbins says no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.

Vishen Lakhiani, founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a leading personal development company, has distinguished between 'means goals' and 'end goals':

Means goals don't stand alone, but are usually stepping-stones to something else. There is usually a 'so' in them. For example, get good grades so you can get into a good university, so you can get a good job, so you can make lots of money, so you afford a nice house, car and so on. Means goals are often about doing things you 'should' do, or are expected to do by your family, community, and so on. Vishen gives the examples of thinking you should get a university degree to have a fulfilling job, or that you should get married to have love in your life. It's quite different to restate this as wanting to be in a loving relationship, and to have consistent opportunities to learn and grow.

End goals are described as being about following your heart. Time flies when you're pursuing them. You may work hard toward these goals, but you feel it's worth it. When you're working on an end goal, it doesn't feel like 'work'. Working on an end goal recharges you, it doesn't drain you. End goals are often feelings, for example to feel happy. Vishen has found that end goals fall into three different buckets. The first is experience. We're here to experience all the world has to offer - not money, not objects, but experiences. The second is growth. Growth makes life an endless journey of discovery. The third is contribution. It is what we give back based on our experience and growth. Goals based on these three areas can be lifelong goals, or, for the New Year, you could think in terms of a one year time period.

Other alternatives to New Year's resolutions

  • Create a bucket list of things you want to experience or accomplish this year.
  • Come up with a list of twelve 30-day challenges, and complete one for each month. This would consist of setting a small goal that can be completed in 30 days, as well as the specific action you will take to accomplish the goal.
  • Give yourself a yearly challenge.
  • Create a list of things to look forward to.
  • Reboot an area of your life. Pick one area of your life that you're not happy with and decide how you're going to improve it.

I hope you are able to set goals that you truly want to achieve, not that you feel you should achieve. Wishing you every success in achieving your goals and a happy, healthy 2019!



  1. Mejia Z. Billionaire Richard Branson: here's the secret to sticking to your New Year's resolutions. January 3, 2018. Accessed December 5, 2018.
  2. Clifford C. Tony Robbins: This is the difference between people who stick to their New Year's resolutions and those who don't. January 2, 2018. Accessed December 5, 2018.
  3. Lakhiani V. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind. New York: Rodale Wellness, 2016.
  4. Fabrega M. 10 alternatives to New Year's resolutions. Accessed December 5, 2018.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and recommendations in this newsletter are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic. The information is accurate and up to date to our knowledge, but we are not responsible for any errors in our sources of information.


There are some Nature's Sunshine supplements that would help you to maximize your health. You can find information about these products and purchase them in our online store:

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For additional information, please email or call Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic at 613.829.0427 for an appointment. Please continue letting friends and family know about this newsletter. Also, on our website, please see back issues of this newsletter, information about services, products and our clinic, and order products.

The Belly of the Beast


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Ottawa ON (map)

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Ramilas Health Tips

Ramila's Healing Arts Clinic


I hope you're enjoying the holiday season! Since the New Year is almost here, it’s a good idea to look at some strategies for making New Year's resolutions actually work this time around. We know all too well that the majority of resolutions don't last very far into the new year. The question is, how can we change this? Fortunately, there are many ways we can change the way we think about resolutions and how we approach them.​​
I hope you find this helpful! Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year, and good luck with your resolutions!
These newsletters will help you make better choices for better health. The choices that you make today can either have a positive or negative impact on your overall health. Begin by choosing better. It is a step toward longevity.


Volume 8, Issue 9

Ramila Padiachy

Doctorate of Natural Medicine (DNM)®

Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic

1437 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa ON (map)



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Why Don't New Year's Resolutions Work?

failureFirst, it's important to understand why so many New Year's resolutions don't work. Here are some key reasons:

  • Your expectations were unrealistic. It's great to challenge yourself, and also good to further your personal development. However, if you take on too much, you will most likely end up being overwhelmed and feeling like a failure because you're not meeting all your goals. The next thing you know, you give up entirely.
  • You didn't clearly define your goals. You say you're going to get in shape, but what does that mean? Do you plan to lose weight? How much? Do you plan to run 5 km nonstop? Fit into size (pick a size) jeans? You need to be specific about what getting into shape means to you.
  • You are guilty of "all or nothing" thinking. You give up completely when everything doesn't go exactly according to plan. For example, you have French fries with dinner, then decide since you've blown your diet, you might as well have dessert. Then you decide you might as well continue to indulge for the entire weekend, and start over again next week.
  • You can't find time to do what you've resolved to do, for example attend exercise class 4 times a week, declutter your closet, or become more involved in your community organization.
  • You don't keep track of your progress, so you feel as if you're not getting anywhere with achieving your resolutions, and understandably you get discouraged.


How to succeed with your New Year's resolutions this time

  • Set short-term goals for long-term results. You may have an ambitious goal, but if you "chunk it down" into smaller, manageable chunks, and tackle them individually, you will be much more likely to succeed with the larger goal.
  • Clearly define your goals. Set goals that are S.M.A.R.T. - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. For example, don't say, "I'm going to lose 10 pounds." Instead, say, "By April 30, 2017 at 5pm I will weigh 135 pounds."
  • It's better to do something than nothing. If you can't find an hour to spend at the gym, exercise for 30 minutes or even just 20 minutes. The shorter time will still move you toward your goal.
    • So you ate the French fries and dessert for dinner. Tomorrow morning, get back on track right away and minimize the damage. You'll start moving toward your goal again, and even better, you won't continue to move away from it. Any effort toward your goal is better than none.
  • Schedule your goal. Make your resolution a priority and actually write it into your schedule. Schedule time for getting fit. Schedule time to declutter your closet. You are much more likely to do what you schedule.
  • Keep track of your progress. Measure the changes you make and write them down. Don't expect your progress to be totally consistent, but know that if you hit a plateau, for example, with losing weight, that may point to a need to adjust your efforts, not to give up! Be patient.
  • Celebrate little victories. Be sure that the rewards you choose don't work against your goal. For example, if you've lost some weight, don't reward yourself with food, instead, perhaps treat yourself to a bubble bath or a good movie.
  • Make your resolution about the journey, not the outcome. Instead of deciding to lose 10 pounds, resolutions about getting enough physical activity on a regular basis and eating a healthy diet may be more beneficial. That way you will develop a healthier life style; the number on the scales is less important than that.
  • Resolve to do something you love. Not all resolutions have to be to do something you dread. Instead, make at least one resolution to do something you really love and want to do, such as read a fun novel or watch a good movie (or both) every month.
  • Start with just one goal. Even if you have many resolutions you would like to accomplish this year, your chances of success will be much higher if you focus on just one goal to start with. You can add another goal each time you're ready.

If weight loss combined with a healthier lifestyle are your goals, I would be very glad to help you. Please contact our office at 613.829.0427 for an appointment.



  1. Flaxington BD. 5 reasons why New Year's resolutions fail... and 5 steps to successfully fulfilling them. Psychology Today,, December 29, 2015.
  2. Kruse K. A psychologist's secrets to making New Year's resolutions stick. Forbes, Accessed December 5, 2016
  3. Canfield J. The Success Principles. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2007.
  4. Pavini J. 10 tricks to help you actually keep your New Year's resolutions. Huffington Post., updated March 8, 2014.
  5. Gaskill L. 11 easy ways to keep your New Year's resolutions. Forbes., January 1, 2015.


Disclaimer: The suggestions and recommendations in this newsletter are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic. The information is accurate and up to date to our knowledge, but we are not responsible for any errors in our sources of information.

"In 4 months I was 37lbs lighter and 3 sizes smaller. I feel great, I am not hungry, I am getting lots of compliments, and I am much happier. I still have some extra pounds to get rid off, but I am not giving up!​"

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When health begins, dis-ease ends.