The Biology of Belief - November 2012 - Volume 4 Issue 6

This month’s topic is a book review of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles by Bruce Lipton, PhD. “This book is an absolute must read if you want to know, from a scientific view point, that your lifestyle is in control of your health rather than your genetics,” according to reviewer M.T Morter, Jr., D.C. Bruce Lipton writes extremely clearly, and makes complex scientific information totally understandable to the layperson. And he does it with a great sense of humour. You can tell from reading the book that Bruce Lipton is a wonderful professor and teacher!
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Spring Cleaning - April 2012 - Volume 4 Issue 1

With spring comes spring cleaning – for most of us this is a time of year to clean our homes, reorganize our wardrobes and make a fresh start as the weather gets warmer, and the days, longer. But my focus this month is on cleaning ourselves. Just as spring cleaning means more than a quick vacuum and dusting around the house, our spring body cleaning should be more than a long, hot bath. We should cleanse ourselves both externally and internally.
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Fueling Your Body - March 2010 - Volume 2 Issue 1

Is your fuel tank empty? This is a time of year when we seem to need a break – maybe you’ve already taken one, maybe you have one planned. We need to recharge our batteries at regular intervals, or we risk becoming tired, irritable, and even ill. We need to be aware of what is draining us, and take action to keep all parts of our life in balance. Very simply, we need to take good care of ourselves.
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