Weight - January 2010 - Volume 1 Issue 10



Dear Reader,

Happy New Year! We tend to start the year with good intentions and resolutions. Often our resolutions include losing a few pounds that may have crept on over the holidays or the past year, despite our best intentions. What I want to talk about this month is weight management.

Weight Management Strategies = Health Improvement Strategies

I’m sure you’ve heard many times that dieting is not the best approach – that pounds you lose during a diet tend to come right back when the diet is over. This is because we usually revert to our former eating habits once the diet is over. What we really need to do is develop different strategies for managing our weight on a long term basis. In fact, I am really talking about

focusing on improving your health

– managing your weight will follow almost automatically if it’s needed. These tips are useful whether you would like to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same weight. I will outline a number of steps that you can take:

A balanced nutritional plan

is essential. In addition to appropriate quantities of healthy food, I recommend a good multivitamin, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, probiotics, fibre and essential fatty acids.

  • taking a multivitamin and a premium quality anti-oxidant supplement containing bioflavonoids helps to control hunger and increases energy levels 
  • digestive enzymes ensure complete digestion and absorption of nutrients including vitamins and minerals; they help maintain normal pH levels, and stimulate the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria. Enzymes also promote the elimination of toxins. (See October 2009 Newsletter.) 
  • probiotics are friendly bacteria found in the intestinal tract. They aid digestion and absorption of nutrients, and enhance immune function. Acidophilus is found mainly in the small intestine, and assists in the production of enzymes. Bifidobacteria are primarily found in the large intestine and they secret acids that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. 
  • fibre is important to maintain normal bowel function and promote healthy weight loss. Dietary fibre helps provide a feeling of fullness, and lowers the absorption of cholesterol and sugars into the blood stream. Oat bran and psyllium are 2 excellent sources of fibre. 
  • fat is essential – it’s the amount and type of fat you need to pay attention to (see April 2009 Newsletter). Minimize saturated fat, and avoid trans fat. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for us in moderation. Particularly good for us is the essential fatty acid, omega-3 – especially the EPA and DHA found in fish such as salmon – or supplements. 
  • adequate protein is very important to feed muscles. Aim for ½ gram for every pound of lean body mass divided by 2. It’s an excellent idea to start your day with protein, so you will feel full longer, and not succumb to food cravings later in the day. 
  • lots of good quality water is extremely important – at least 6 to 8 glasses per day. Water helps you feel full. It is essential to prevent constipation (see July 2009 Newsletter), and flushes toxins from your system. A lack of water causes fatigue. Drink lots of water between meals and very little during meals. 
  • Consider a new way of viewing your meals
    • Breakfast is king – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s better to eat larger amounts earlier in the day when you have all day to benefit from the nutrition. 
    • Lunch is the prince – lunch is the second most important meal, there is still much of the day ahead. 
    • Supper is the pauper – supper should be a small meal – you don’t need much food late in the day. 
    • Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes; eliminate processed (and fast) foods from your diet. 
    • Serving sizes depend on what you’re eating, so it’s hard to generalize. The healthier your diet, the more you can eat and still lose (or not gain) weight, but don’t ‘supersize’. For example, a serving of meat should only be the size of a deck of cards. 

Get enough rest

. The recommended amount of sleep per night is 7 to 9 hours. Researchers have found that the further away one is from the recommended amount of sleep, the higher the risk of obesity.


boosts your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight. The experts generally recommend

30 to 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

In addition to burning calories, exercise boosts your basic metabolic rate, so you keep burning more calories even when you’re not exercising. Exercise also helps weight loss because it elevates mood, reduces stress, and improves self-esteem.

Control your stress.

Women may be at particular risk of stress-induced eating and weight gain. Breathe deeply, talk to a friend, watch a funny movie, do yoga (see exercise) – there are many healthy de-stressing and relaxation techniques – find some that work for you.

Laugh a lot.

There is plenty of evidence that humour is our best medicine. It reduces stress, promotes physical and mental wellness, and can add years to your life. 

For Short-Term Results

Remember – if you’re not happy with your current weight, you need a long term change in eating habits (or health habits) to lose and keep weight off. However, for short-term results, we offer a fabulous weight loss program where women lose up to 3 pounds per week and men, up to 5 pounds per week. If you are in the Ottawa area, ask about my newest weight loss program that my clients are raving about. For information, please call Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic at 613.829.0427 or email ramilas@ramilas.com. We also provide the premium quality vitamins, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, probiotics and fibre supplements as well as omega-3.

To Purchase

To purchase, call Nature’s Sunshine products at 1.800.265.9163 and have your member ID# ready. If your membership has expired they will be able to reactivate it with an order. If you do not know your sponsor id then use sponsor ID # 344052-4 so that you may obtain your own. If you wish to order online, the website is


and again your sponsor’s number is 344052-4


The suggestions and recommendations in this newsletter are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic. The information is accurate and up to date to our knowledge, but we are not responsible for any errors in our sources of information.


1. Day K. Transform Your Health Transform Your Shape – The “Untold Truth” about Permanent Weight Loss. Wasatch Research Institute, 2005.

2. Levert R. Is permanent weight loss possible? Sunshine Today. 2010; January/February, 18-19.

These newsletters will help you make better choices for better health. The choices that you make today can either have a positive or negative impact on your overall health. Begin by choosing better. It is a step toward longevity.


Ramila Padiachy

Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic