Cardiovascular - February 2012 - Volume 3 Issue 10

Best wishes for a Happy Valentine’s Day! I think February is an appropriate month for an update on heart health. Two years ago (see Newsletter, February 2010) I reviewed several risk factors for heart disease and also discussed how you can minimize or reduce your risk of heart disease. This month I’ll provide recent updates regarding heart disease and stroke.
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Vision Loss - July 2011 - Volume 3 Issue 4

Summer’s here, the days are long. It’s warm and sunny – most of the time! Everything’s green; this is the season that we get great fresh fruit and vegetables that are locally grown. It’s a wonderful time of year. With the long sunny days, we need to think about protecting our eyesight and making sure it stays good as we age. I’m sure you know that you should wear sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection, and never look directly at the sun. But there are many other things we can do to prevent loss of vision.
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Cancer Prevention - July 2010 - Volume 2 Issue 4

Cancer. It’s the diagnosis no one wants, and everyone fears. But often cancer can be prevented. In the past 30 years, millions of dollars have been raised for research with the ultimate aim of curing cancer. During the summer we have different marathons and fundraisers. However, we have not made much progress and are still far away from curing the many different types of cancer. Therefore, it is time to take a closer look at what we may do for our health, and how we can be active and prevent cancer. The adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is nowhere truer than with cancer. At least 50% of all cancers can be prevented through healthy living.
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