Ramilas Health Tips

Ramila's Healing Arts Clinic


Last month we mentioned the role of the microbiome in relation to Candida infections. This month, I am giving you additional information about the microbiome and its huge importance to your good health.​ Read on below...

These newsletters will help you make better choices for better health. The choices that you make today can either have a positive or negative impact on your overall health. Begin by choosing better. It is a step toward longevity.


Volume 9, Issue 3

Ramila Padiachy

Doctor of Natural Medicine (DNM)®

Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic

1437 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa ON (map)


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What is the Microbiome and Why is it Important?

The microbiome is made up of microbiota, or a community of microbes or microorganisms that live on or in the body. Our human microbiome is made up of communities of bacteria, some of which protect us (symbiotic), some of which are neutral (commensal), and some of which can be harmful to us (pathogenic).


Bacteria and our microbiome are an integral part of who we are. In fact, you have 10 times more bacteria living in your body than cells that make up your body. To put it in perspective, there are 10 trillion cells that make up the human body and 100 trillion bacteria living in your body. The vast majority live in your gut, and weigh between three and four pounds.


The human microbiome develops from the time an infant is born, and a first important factor is whether the mother gives birth vaginally or has a C-section. Exposure to the birth canal exposes a baby to its mother's microbiome and, especially if combined with mother's milk, gives a baby's microbiome a good start in life. Don't despair if you were born by C-section and bottle-fed. A recent study has shown that by about age 40, the advantages of those exposed to the birth canal and who were breast-fed have largely disappeared.


The organisms in our microbiome carry out a variety of functions which are essential for good health, well-being and even our survival.


Beneficial microbes prevent disease. One of the most important functions of the microbiome is its role in relation to our immune system. The microbiome helps our bodies to determine whether something it encounters is a friend or foe. When it is functioning well, it ensures that opportunistic pathogens are kept to a minimum, and also keeps our body from attacking itself (which would result in autoimmune diseases).


Another extremely important function of the microbiome is the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. Without it, we would not be able to digest most of what we eat, or to extract essential nutrients we need to function.


The microbiome also plays an important role in depression, weight/obesity and hormone function.


The gut-brain connection: The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Scientists are calling the gut our second brain; it's the only organ with its own nervous system, called the enteric nervous system (ENS). The central nervous system and the ENS are connected by the vagus nerve, the 10th cranial nerve which runs from the brainstem to the abdomen. This is the route the gut bacteria use to transmit information to the brain. This connection helps to explain the association between the microbiome and depression.


What Causes Problems with the Microbiome?

Two of the most important determinants of the health of our microbiome are diet and antibiotic use.




Processed food contains many additives that are detrimental to the health of our microbiome. Sugars, other refined carbohydrates, and the many added chemicals also have a negative effect on our microbiome. Avoid foods containing glyphosate (GMO foods). It's best to eat organic, *real food*. Transit time affects the composition of gut microbiota, which reinforces the importance of diet, particularly fibre intake.




We know the importance of antibiotics and would not want to be without them for a serious infection. However, research shows we are becoming resistant to antibiotics because they are overprescribed. And a single course of antibiotics can disrupt a person's microbiome for an entire year.


Note there are sources of antibiotic exposure that may not be obvious to everyone. For example, meat from animals given antibiotics will contain antibiotic residue. According to the FDA, up to 80% of all antibiotics sold in the US are for livestock, not humans - a scary thought! If you're eating fast food, you're definitely exposed to antibiotics.


How can I Keep/Make My Microbiome Healthy and What are the Benefits?

Clearly, avoiding processed foods and any antibiotics that are not absolutely essential are two ways to maintain a healthy microbiome. Also avoid sugars and refined carbohydrates as much as possible. A diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit is beneficial.
Eating fermented foods is very beneficial to the microbiome. Healthy choices include kefir (fermented milk), kombucha (fermented tea), natto (fermented soy), kimchi (a traditional Korean side dish of fermented vegetables) and other fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut.
A high quality probiotic can help maintain the health of your microbiome, and restore balance to your microbiota, especially when taking antibiotics or eating processed foods. It's also advisable if you are not consuming fermented foods on a daily basis.
In summary, keeping your microbiome healthy helps you to:
live a longer, healthier life 
normalize your weight
ward off type 2 diabetes
strengthen your immune system, control the growth of disease-causing bacteria
counteract inflammation
produce vitamins, absorb materials and eliminate toxins
control asthma and reduce your risk of allergies
improve your mood and mental health.

New Research


This is a huge topic and a new area of research. It's impossible to really do it justice in one newsletter, but I hope it helps you understand the huge importance of your microbiome and of keeping it healthy. You will be able to find additional information about the microbiome in my upcoming book, The Belly of the Beast.


The Belly of the Beast will be published soon! I don't know the exact date yet, but as soon as it's available, I will let you know.



There are some Nature's Sunshine supplements that are relevant to this newsletter.


You can find information about these products and purchase them in our online store:


Probiotic 11
Bifidophilus Flora Force
NutriBiome Bacillus Coagulans Probiotics
Psyllium Hulls Combination


For additional information, email or call Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic at 613.829.0427 for an appointment. Please continue letting friends and family know about this newsletter. Visit our website where you can see back issues of this newsletter, information about services and our clinic, and order products.



  1. Microbiome 101: understanding gut microbiota. Accessed April 10, 2017.
  2. Padiachy R. The Belly of the Beast, 2017.
  3. Weintraub K. Findings from the gut - new insights into the human microbiome. April 29, 2016. Accessed April 10, 2017.
  4. Johns Hopkins Medicine. The brain-gut connection. Accessed January 25, 2017.
  5. Mercola J. Your microbiome may be key factor to determining your health and longevity. March 9, 2015. Accessed April 10, 2017.
  6. The overuse of antibiotics in food animals threatens public health. Consumers Union Accessed May 24, 2017.
  7. Mercola J. The importance of microbial diversity in gut health and disease. May 15, 2014. Accessed February 2, 2017.


Disclaimer: The suggestions and recommendations in this newsletter are not intended to be prescriptive or diagnostic. The information is accurate and up to date to our knowledge, but we are not responsible for any errors in our sources of information.


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For my path to wellness, Ramila had suggested sensitivity clearing for my allergies, as well as herbal supplements. I also gained tremendous relief from her emotional release technique. After each treatment I felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. I would never have believed how your emotions could play such a pivotal role in your physical well-being.

- AJ, Ottawa

When health begins, dis-ease ends.

Fruits and Veggies - June 2012 - Volume 4 Issue 3

Summer is such a great time of year for many reasons, but specifically for the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables. New health effects of fruits and vegetables, as well as other types of food, continue to be added to the already long list, so this newsletter provides you with an update of some recent findings. To your health!
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Healthy Choices - March 2012 - Volume 3 Issue 11

The days are getting longer again, and spring is in the air. Since this is a time of year for making a fresh start, this newsletter covers some tips for healthy choices in a number of different areas. There is new information available all the time, and I’ll highlight some recent information.
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Cardiovascular - February 2012 - Volume 3 Issue 10

Best wishes for a Happy Valentine’s Day! I think February is an appropriate month for an update on heart health. Two years ago (see Newsletter, February 2010) I reviewed several risk factors for heart disease and also discussed how you can minimize or reduce your risk of heart disease. This month I’ll provide recent updates regarding heart disease and stroke.
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Adrenal - December 2011 - Volume 3 Issue 9

This is always a busy time of year, and we often feel as if we’re running on empty, or as if adrenaline is the only thing that’s keeping us going. I thought it would be an appropriate time to give you some information on the adrenal glands – they are arguably the most important glands in the body. They play a vital role, which has been described as producing chemicals that maintain life, nothing less.1 Your adrenal glands regulate your disposition, your efficiency, and even your personality. Whether they regulate well and help you, or poorly and harm you depends largely on what you eat. Therefore, you can help the adrenal glands function well by eating an appropriate diet.2 Of course, good strategies for managing stress are also very helpful.
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Depression - Nov 2011 - Volume 3 Issue 8

As the days grow shorter, and winter approaches, some of us tend to feel less cheerful than we do during the summer. Seasonal affective disorder, with the very fitting acronym of SAD, becomes more prevalent at this time of year. I’m going to describe some aspects of depression, and explain how you can tell if depression is a concern for you, as well as offer a number of strategies to combat tendencies toward depression. If you think you suffer from major depression, please call me for an appointment (613.829.0427) or seek other appropriate professional help.
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Vision Loss - July 2011 - Volume 3 Issue 4

Summer’s here, the days are long. It’s warm and sunny – most of the time! Everything’s green; this is the season that we get great fresh fruit and vegetables that are locally grown. It’s a wonderful time of year. With the long sunny days, we need to think about protecting our eyesight and making sure it stays good as we age. I’m sure you know that you should wear sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection, and never look directly at the sun. But there are many other things we can do to prevent loss of vision.
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Osteoporosis - June 2011 - Volume 3 Issue 3

We don’t usually give much thought to our bones – at least as long as they don’t give us any trouble. But it’s a good idea to know how to keep them in good shape so they will continue to function well as we get older. Healthy bones depend on us for a healthy lifestyle so they won’t develop osteoporosis.
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Sleep - December 2010 - Volume 2 Issue 9

Are you getting enough sleep? At this time of year, it may be unlikely – the holiday season is the busiest time of year for many of us. But we need to understand how important enough, good quality sleep is to our health, and to minimize sleep deficits as much as possible.
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Physical Activity - May 2010 - Volume 2 Issue 3

Spring is here, the weather is getting nicer all the time! It’s a time of year when many of us resolve to turn over a new leaf with plans for outdoor activities, and generally becoming more active than we might have been in the winter. Physical activity is another very important component of good health – both for maintaining our health and preventing disease.
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Fats - April 2009 - Volume 1 Issue 2

This is the second monthly newsletter, and like the first, it deals with nutrition - specifically the different types of fat in our diet. However, the newsletters will deal with a wide range of topics, including disease prevention, physical activity, aging well and many other subjects. You can contact me at I welcome your comments and suggestions! For many years, researchers focused on the total amount of fat in the diet, but now it's clear that the type of fat we eat is more important to heart health, and many other aspects of our health, than just the overall amount. Every living cell in the body needs essential fatty acids (polyunsaturated fats). They are essential for rebuilding and producing new cells. They are also necessary for the production and balance of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances, which regulate all body systems and functions, including the cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and central nervous systems. Essential fatty acids are found in high amounts in the brain where they assist in the transmission of nerve impulses; they are necessary for normal brain function. Japanese researchers have verified that a deficiency of essential fatty acids can result in an impaired ability to learn and recall information.
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