Water - April 2010 - Volume 2 Issue 2

As they say, April showers bring May flowers – so I thought it would be a good time to discuss the water we drink. I’ve mentioned a number of times that drinking plenty of good quality water is very important to our health. I’d like to look at that fact in more detail this month.
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Enzymes- October 2009 - Volume 1 Issue 7

Enzymes are something that one usually doesn’t think much about unless something goes wrong. A common example is lactose intolerance where the body does not produce the enzyme, lactase, which digests lactose, the sugar in milk. This newsletter contains basic information about enzymes, what they do, and how they fit into the process of digestion and other important functions, as well as how we can help them function optimally.
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Liver - June 2009 - Volume 1 Issue 4

The liver can be aptly described as the most forgotten organ. We take it for granted unless something goes wrong. However, there is a lot we can do to guard against problems, and since it's just in time for spring housecleaning, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss what we can do to take care of the liver.
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